After hundreds of concerts and festivals, I have created a very easy-to-put-together Festival Packing List.

You’ll look fresh and clean for about 4 hours. After that, your mission will change from caring about your clothes to finding the closest place to pee and getting to see the music that got you there in the first place!
After hundreds of concerts and festivals, I have created a very easy-to-put-together Festival Packing List.

Remember this: DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING VALUABLE (Jewelry, Grandmas’ Ashes, Your Pet)

Backpack, Bum Bag & Hat

Using a large and strong backpack will get all your gear into one place! Borrow one from someone- everyone has one in a closet somewhere!
Bum Bags- You will need one place to keep the most important stuff. This will be with you the entire time. It will hold your keys, ID, cash, cards, phone, extra t-shirt, and snacks.

Wear a HAT- Bucket, Baseball. Straw or Fedora. Hats will protect you from the ass-kicking sunshine during the day!. You’ll be grateful later on at night! Bandanas work well, too and you can wet them and put them back on to cool off!

Sleeping Bag and a Pillow Case

This is your bed. It will be fine. You are going to be so wiped out by the time you FIND your tent, sleep will not be an issue. Pop in some earplugs if you have all-night party peeps around you. Put your HOODIE inside the Pillowcase and you’re golden. There is NO SPACE for a fluffy pillow on this trip.

Wet Wipes – A lot of them!!

I can’t stress this enough. They will be your best friend for the next 4 days.
Your Pits and Bits will thank you muchly as well as your hands and face.
Get the biodegradable/flushable ones.

Toilet Paper (2) – Trash Bags (4) – Disposable Rain Poncho

Festivals are notorious for the skankiest port a potty’s anywhere and they almost never have TP.
Keep a small pack of Wet Wipes in your bum bag or stuff in a wad of TP.
Trash bags will be good for your dirty clothes and the garbage you produce.
Ponchos are at the Dollar Store and they not ONLY protect you from rain but make a really good ground cover to sit on when you need a break. Also cover your backpack to protect it from dampness, too!

Portable Phone Charger – Towel

If you have to have a phone with you, bring a cheap one and a portable charger. The charging stations at festivals have enormous lines and when 100 phones are charging at once it takes forever.
A towel will also be good as a blanket at night if needed.

Snacks – Water/Coconut Water

Dried fruit, Mixed Nuts, and Breakfast Bars are easy to pack and do the trick. Eat at least ONE good meal a day to keep you going. Make some sandwiches- PB & J are diehards, Cheese and Crackers… Hard-Boiled Eggs travel well. You’ll pay a fortune for food but you have to eat!
Drink water! You’ll be ingesting all kinds of other stuff and in combination with the sunshine, you’re gonna need it. Coconut Water is the best because it’s high in potassium- Sayonara hangover! Hello, hydration! You can buy 12 packs and they’ll fit right into your backpack.

Comfortable Shoes – Comfy Clothes Bathing Suit

Sneakers are by far the BEST for festivals. They offer the most protection because your tootsies are fully covered. This means protection from muddy floors on rainy days, and protection from rowdy crowds that jump at every opportunity, hot sand, wet grass, pee. Ya get me??
As much as Music Festivals have turned into fashion shows, the main point is that you’re there for the music, right? Put on a Tank/Tee with shorts or a skirt. Pop on that cool HAT and Woo Hoo!
Nights can get chilly so a Hoodie is super handy (makes a great pillow, also)

You can literally wear a bathing suit the whole time! Bring 2. One to change into after you have a hose shower. It’s easier to shower in a bathing suit in public.

Think comfort and fun!
You’re about to hear some incredible music, meet new friends and have the time of your life!!